Apr 162015

Hypnotherapy is:
– The use of hypnosis to bypass the conscious mind and engage the subconscious mind for therapeutic and/or behavioral benefits
– Typically a physically relaxed state of the body along with a natural, yet altered, state of mind allowing for responsiveness and communication with the subconscious mind

90% of what we do is driven by what’s going on in our subconscious… The autonomic nervous system (within the subconscious) is what controls things we don’t have to think about, like: heart beating, breathing, digestion, perspiration, salivation, wound healing, cell regeneration, etc.


 Posted by at 8:21 pm
Apr 112015

Sorry for the delayed posting… we’re now incorporating a wider variety of events on the monthly schedule. A new monthly recurring event will be Hypnotic Happy Hours for people who are curious about hypnotherapy and would like more information and a quick demo before deciding if it’s something they want to pursue. We’re looking forward to sharing more information with people to help them make the best decisions for natural ways to improve their health and happiness! Check back each month to see our schedule of information sessions and other related events!


 Posted by at 4:18 am
Feb 262015

Hi all,
I hope to see you at the Brevard Women’s Expo coming up on Saturday, March 14th. It was so nice to meet so many of you there in the fall. I’m looking forward to another fun day of talking to folks about how hypnotherapy and related natural, holistic techniques can help reach their health and happiness goals!! I’ll also be giving away a free hypnotherapy session to a lucky someone who enters in my drawing! πŸ™‚
See you there!

 Posted by at 7:43 pm
Feb 122015

Hi all,
If you’ve been wanting to learn more about hypnotherapy, essential oils, or a variety of other options for natural, holistic health, you should check out the ‘Love Yourself Day’ going on this Saturday from 10-4 in Cocoa Village. See attached flyer for details. Live music, presentations, opportunities to purchase products and even short services like mini-massages, readings, etc. I’ll be there with an information table and I’ll be doing a presentation about Hypnotherapy and the oils. I hope to see you there!
Love Yourself Day flier

Feb 032015

I recently got introduced to the power of crystals by my world-class athlete cousin, TJ Curry, who uses them to help keep his energy aligned for his training and big tournaments. He also introduced me to a channel on YouTube called Spirit Science which has a TON of interesting short videos explaining a good variety of energy and metaphysical related topics. I’m excited to start using more of this knowledge to combine with my hypnotherapy training and experience to help clients even more. If you have a chance, check out some of the Spirit Science videos: http://www.youtube.com/user/TheSpiritScience or check out their webpage at: thespiritscience.net

 Posted by at 5:44 am

January class schedule

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Jan 072015

January 2015 class schedule EPICRenewOILS
Hope to see you there… and bring a friend!! πŸ™‚ Our mission is to educate and inform people about naturally healthy options!

 Posted by at 7:28 pm
Jan 072015

Welcome to 2015! All signs point to it being an amazing year!

I think it’s a great idea to clean out your body’s filtering mechanisms with a cleanse or detox occasionally… and why not pick the new year to start with a clean slate?! I’ve tried several different detox and cleanse programs over the years and have realized that different ones are easier for different people, so there is no ‘best’ option per se. So, I’m not going to recommend any one program over another, but instead I want to offer you some tips based on my experiences that I hope will help better prepare you and make it a better overall experience.

1 – Go in with a positive attitude and make sure you have support in place (friends, family, etc) who respect what you’re doing and will encourage you.
2 – Make sure you’re getting enough sleep… if your body is exhausted or over-stressed the cleanse won’t be as effective and can actually be harder on your body, causing you to become sick
3 – Find out what (if anything) you are allowed to eat in addition to what is provided in your cleanse program and do your shopping before you get started; you might want to hide or throw out the temptations that are in your fridge and pantry as well (if it’s not there, it won’t be as tempting to cheat)
4 – Be grateful for each day as it passes… not only does it get you closer to the end of your cleanse, but it’s another day of good, healthy choices you’ve made for your body and your overall health and wellbeing!
5 – Be kind to yourself. If you realize you did something that wasn’t exactly to the letter of the law for your cleanse, forgive yourself and move on. The negative thinking won’t help you feel better.
6 – It seems that coming off caffeine (which most cleanses will have you do) is the hardest part, causing headaches and no fun on the first few days of the cleanse, so if you can cut down your caffeine gradually before the cleanse that should help. I cut out caffeine years ago and don’t have headaches or other withdrawal symptoms when I do cleanses or detoxes.
7 – The first few days will likely be the toughest (whether it’s the caffeine withdrawals or just getting used to not eating as much or the changes to your typical elimination expectations…) but it gets much easier after that, so hang in there!
8 – As most cleanses will tell you, drink lots of water (the plainer the better… juice and other flavors or additives reduce the capacity of the water to take out more toxins). Just cutting out bad foods alone isn’t going to clean anything out of you if you don’t have water flowing through for the toxins or other materials to catch a ride to pass out of your system.

Those are the main tips that come to my mind at this time. If you have any other questions or would like some suggestions for cleanses to try, feel free to contact me at jenny@epicrenewal.com
Happy Healthy New Year all!

 Posted by at 6:13 pm
Dec 262014

Happy Holidays to one and all. I sincerely wish each of you the best of health and happiness as we bring 2014 to a close and prepare to start 2015. I encourage you to dream big, stay positive, and believe in yourself. You CAN achieve your goals and dreams if you get clear on what you want, believe in yourself, trust your insight, and take action to make things happen. If you struggle to do any of that on your own, I’d love to help you get clear, access your inner truth, build your belief in yourself and remove any blocks to taking that action! 2015 is going to be an amazing year!!
In peace and gratitude!

 Posted by at 12:06 am