Hypnotherapy Testimonials


These Testimonials have been conveyed directly to Jenny by clients who prefer some level of anonymity.  You can also find reviews for Hypnotherapy by Jenny on Google.

SB, August 2015 **(see Disclaimer in footer, below)


** “Jenny!!  I’m flying down the freeway and I feel a freedom I haven’t felt in a long time!!!!!  Thank you!”

MN, March 2024 (from a text message after second session to address a phobia of riding in cars)


** “Jenny has played a pivotal role in transforming my life by boosting my confidence and overall happiness.  Her personalized approach and commitment to her clients are truly remarkable.

Jenny excels in building a deep understanding of your needs and tailoring a customized plan to address them.  She provides a valuable recording that becomes an essential tool in your journey to self-improvement.  I found that consistently listening to this recording every day during the initial weeks was crucial, as I started experiencing noticeable effects by the third or fourth day.

If you’re in search of a holistic and effective means to enhance your life, I wholeheartedly endorse Jenny’s services.  Her expertise and dedication have had a profound impact on my well-being, and I believe she can do the same for anyone seeking positive change.”

CN, October 2023 (from an email after initial session)


** “Jenny, I came to you because of your many successes. You helped me with my issues with portion control. We seemed to have figured out why I was overeating. Your personalized hypnotic recordings that I listen to every evening and morning are a great help for me to continue to take reasonable portions and make healthy choices. I also wake up energised to take a walk. Thank you for our sessions.”

KE, October 2021 (from an email after their third session)


**”I went to Jenny for help dealing with severe anxiety.  After an in-depth phone session, Jenny prepared a customized recording for me to listen to before coming in for my first session in her office.  Before the hypnotherapy began, she went over in detail every step of what was going to happen to be sure I was comfortable.  She also gave me paperwork with other coping suggestions.  I left feeling better than I had in a long time.  If you are looking for a hypnotherapist, Jenny is extremely professional, thorough, caring, and kind.  She takes the time to understand what you are going through.  She helped me to see things in a different light.  Thank you again!”

TN, January 2021 (from an email after their second session)


**”Our first session was a video conference due to Covid 19. I decided to seek hypnosis to assist with a couple behavior changes I want to undertake for a healthier life. I located Jenny from the internet. I did review several possibilities before selecting Jenny. The video-conference went fine and Jenny learned things about me and explained some aspects of what to expect if I continue with hypnotherapy. It was a successful session and I decided to move forward with a package to explore this process further. Jenny, provided me with a daytime and nighttime recording. I have listened to it daily so far. My second appointment was a Parts session to bring forth the “players” that may be impacting my behaviors. It was an interesting session since I’ve never done it before. Some players came forth, which supported information and factors playing into my behaviors and decisions. I find Jenny easy to talk to and she creates a safe and calming environment. She explains the process thoroughly to ensure I understand and answers any questions I may have. I look forward to my upcoming sessions and seeing the results I’m endeavoring to achieve. Thank you, Jenny”

KE, August 2020 (from an email after their second session)


**”I was happy with our first session.  I am confident in Jenny’s abilities, she is easy to open up to and she’s spot on with her comments and feedback.  I’m looking forward to making changes and I feel she truly cares to help.  I have a client who is seeking help with smoking cessation and a very high level of anxiety.  He has extensive health issues and, although he has a great personality, his anxiety is causing interpersonal problems at home.  He will need help and is very open to it.  I gave him your website info.”

DS, May 2020 (from an email after their initial session)


**”I sought Jenny’s help because I was hopelessly addicted to nicotine.  I was going back and forth between smoking and replacement therapies (like nicotine gum and lozenges) for years.  I found I was just as addicted to the gum and lozenges (if not more) as the cigarettes.  During the last 4 years the longest I had gone without any kind of nicotine was maybe a couple of days. 

Well, I’m thrilled to say I’ve been nicotine free since my first session and that was almost a month ago as of this writing.  The first week was tough; using nicotine just wasn’t an option in my mind, but I still felt like something was missing and I was on edge.  I’m glad I had opted for the 2 follow up sessions as Jenny provided valuable insights regarding elements of my subconscious that could potentially undermine my progress.  The second week was much easier and amazingly by the end of the 3rd week I realized it had been days since I had even thought of smoking or any of the nicotine replacement “therapies”.  I feel so much better mentally and physically and I have hope again.”

MJ, March 2020 (from an email)


**”I have been living a very rough life since my divorce… I was not loving or even liking myself and with that comes a lot of fear, pain, anguish, and heartbreak…  One of the biggest things you taught me was that I could love myself despite my shortcomings or any mistakes I’ve made along the way.  We all have regrets but sometimes we get stuck in them.  My faith is very strong but if you have self-doubt or constant objections to feeling worthy it really does take work.  When the realization came through removing my own objections to loving myself you won’t believe the physical healing that started to take place!  The resistance I held in my head and body relaxed, my head began to drain and there was this huge weight lifted.  I know I need more work… I can be very proud of how far I have come in my transition.  Thank you Jenny!!”

ST, April 2019 (from a handwritten thank you letter)


**”I had a major breakthrough today with my 2nd follow up session with Jenny.  I feel so good, so much lighter, and I feel so much relief!  Jenny actually channels the right information to prompt me, I believe, by working with my Spirit Team and hers to say just what is needed.  Amazing!

On the recording she made for me, it was so extremely well done, well thought out, and it covered every little nuance of anything I had said, that I now treasure this recording and listen to it almost every day!  For me, it is also a great way to meditate.

I highly recommend taking the time to work with Jenny, because she will spend a lot of time with you to make sure you get it just right!”

LB, November 2018 (from an email)


**”I just wanted to thank you for your help.  I am feeling better about myself everyday!”

LD, October 2018 (from an email)


**”I would like to share the experience I had during hypnosis with Jenny. First let me just say she is very personable and makes you feel very at ease if you’ve never done anything like this before. Most people think of hypnosis as what you see on television (someone making you do silly things). I scheduled 3 sessions with Jenny, and it was so much more than I expected. Who knew finding what’s deep in your subconscious mind could be so refreshing and liberating! After my second session I said to Jenny “I could do this everyday”.”

LM, May 2018 (from a Facebook message)


**I used to be able to skydive, then several years ago I developed a fear of heights while going up in a glass elevator and then anything 3 stories or higher was uncomfortable for me to look out or down.  After a couple sessions with Jenny I am now able to walk out to the railing of an open observation deck on the 7th floor without problems AND I went on the sky ride at Busch Gardens and enjoyed the ride.  Thank you for everything, I think you really helped me!
MM, November 2017 (from a phone call)


**I am so grateful for the time you’ve spent working with my husband of 60+ years!  Over the last few years he had become very negative, bitter, and even mean to me for no good reason.  When others brushed him off saying it was just his age, you could see the potential for change, and you were flexible enough to work in ways that he was comfortable with.  Now he’s more optimistic about his life, he’s more confident and engaged, and he’s much nicer to me.  Not only have you improved his quality of life in his 80s, you’ve improved mine as well!  Thank you!
JZ, October 2017 (from a phone call)


**”After hearing Jenny speak, I was moved to make an appointment – not for quitting smoking, nor for trying to lose weight, but my issue was having difficulty with my painting.
Why can’t I paint? Something I have loved to do all my life, but unsuccessfully for many reasons – family obligations, or we were moving again. I had taken many classes, and had been in many art groups, even many therapy groups, and studied psychology as part of my degree program in order to figure out why things happen the way they do. At one point I even owned and managed an Art Gallery. But once again I was thinking about packing away all my art materials, as I had done so often over the years.
But now, late in my life, I did make the appointment. The word hypnosis still conjures up movie depictions of charlatans taking advantage of a person who is hypnotized, but this therapy was not like that at all. I was always comfortable, safe, and aware of what I was saying and sharing as well as being able to remember, visualize, and feel feelings that I had either denied or long forgotten. Jenny’s guided meditation – hypnosis – and understanding direction was gentle and compassionate.
What I received from this experience was so much more than I expected. Besides painting now, with so much more joy and freedom, I realized that an old physical pain in my knee and hip… was gone! …and the anxiety I experience over my art work has diminished.”

JO, April 2016


**”I have had the pleasure of spending a few hours with Jenny to help me zero in on what I believe my obstacles around successful weight loss might be. She led me into a deep meditative state through her Hypnotherapy and tailored the suggestions to my needs specifically. Whatever the challenge someone may be facing, I can’t imagine why they wouldn’t allow Jenny to share her skills with them. I feel sure I will be sharing my weight loss success with you very soon. Jenny is the best!”
BM, March 2016


**”I have seen some really great results with the confidence boosting hypnosis we did before. I am no longer afraid to be my old, successful self. I have been taking leadership roles again without stress and started my own business. I don’t let outside nay-sayers bring me down (and they are few and far between). I have also found it easier to not stick with damaging people in my life simply because I have known them for a long while. I am able to keep them within healthy boundaries. I have been exercising a lot more and, although we didn’t work on this specifically, my health issue is improving drastically.”
HL, March 2015


**I just wanted to let you know that cigarettes now taste like a dirty ash tray to me, so it worked! I’m no longer smoking. Thank you!
MK, January 2015 (from a phone call after 1 session to stop smoking)


**I don’t know if I fell asleep or was hypnotized… but it worked!
RM, November 2014 (from an email after a session to address the fear of public speaking)


**”I am a 61 year old woman who has suffered from debilitating Migraine headaches for 41 years. I have seen world class Neurologists and tried every kind of medication and treatment available. Finally was able to manage the headaches (most of the time) but I can’t remember a single day that I woke up without a headache. That is until I had one two hour Hypnotherapy session with Jenny.


“I would have never considered Hypnosis and was a little afraid of suggestions that I might not be aware of. It was not like that at all. We worked together after I shared about my history and wrote the affirmations that Jenny used in the session. By early the next morning I had a downloadable mp3 recording of the session that I put on my smart phone. I listen to the session every night as I go to sleep.

I have not had a single headache since my first session. It is a MIRACLE. I feel like I have been given a new life. Pretty awesome since I am 61. I feel like I am 40.

Jenny is articulate, trained, and a compassionate counselor. I could not recommend her services any more highly. She saved my life. Thank you Jenny!”
SB, November 2014 (from an email after just one session)

**I overheard my husband tell someone else that he feels like he has his wife back again. These sessions are giving me my normal, happy life back because I’m not obsessing over what other people think anymore. I can’t thank you enough!
HH, September 2014 (from a discussion during a follow up session)


**”I feel like my anxiety is completely gone and I think it helped some with my IBS, it’s not 100% perfect but I think if I keep doing this it will fix it. I am amazed by how good I feel now. I will get in touch with you soon for the next step. Thank you again for everything!”
SA, August 2014 (from an email after just one session)


**”I feel really balanced and good today after the session. Thank you!!”
AP, July 2014


**I listen to your hypnotherapy sleep programming mp3 with the affirmations for living in the flow every night to go to sleep. I love it and it helps me get a great sleep!
RK, March 2014 (paraphrased from a verbal testimonial)

**Disclaimer: Results and experiences using hypnotherapy and related techniques vary by client. There are no guarantees.

 Posted by at 1:53 pm

  One Response to “Hypnotherapy Testimonials”

  1. Jenny has really helped me with my weight loss journey and I’ve learned a lot about myself along the way. First session we did was suggestion therapy, second was parts therapy.
    We also did eye movement therapy at the office when I was extremely upset about something. It took me from a 7 down to a 3 on stress scale very quickly.
    I look forward to working with her more! 🙂