

The services offered by Hypnotherapy by Jenny are evolving as Jenny discovers additional techniques that fit her model of helping people regain their natural, healthy mind/body balance. For example, sometimes essential oils are used to help compliment a client’s hypnotherapy experience. Related techniques, like the Connection Practice might also be incorporated into sessions, depending on what the client needs. Currently some of the options include:

FREE Consultation (~15-30 mins) – This consultation can be done over the phone. It’s a prerequisite to scheduling your first hypnotherapy session because there are a few things that are important to know before we begin to make sure you get the most out of your first session. It can be scheduled online or just email or call with a message about times that would be good for Jenny to call you back.

Hypnotherapy – Suggestion Therapy (~1.5-2 hrs) – This is typically the first session for nearly all issues you could want to use hypnotherapy to help resolve. It involves 45-60 minutes of intake so Jenny can fully understand the issue you are facing and you work together to come up with custom suggestions that make sense to you, then approximately 45 minutes of a hypnosis session where those suggestions will be delivered to your subconscious to start the changes. Clients will also receive a free mp3 of those suggestions so they can listen to them as often as possible (the more repetition the better).

Hypnotherapy – Parts Therapy (~1.5-2 hrs) – This is typically a second session to help resolve internal conflicts you may have, for example, part of me wants to have some chocolate, another part of me wants to eat healthy…

Hypnotherapy – Early Childhood Regression (~1.5-2 hrs) – This is a very powerful session that can expose and reframe the root cause emotional trigger(s) that have lead to one or more issues you are dealing with today. It may take multiple sessions to work out all the trauma so that you can be free and clear, but once you see how freeing it is, you may want to come back to work out more issues and help you truly get back to your naturally intended state of happiness, success and health!!

Hypnotherapy – Pain Management (~1 hr) – These sessions can be used to address pain you are experiencing at the time. Jenny will help you see how you can use the power of your mind to lower the intensity of the pain to make it more tolerable. Other hypnotherapy sessions can be used to actually get to the root cause of the pain and help heal that.

Hypnotherapy – Past Life Regressions (~2-3 hrs) – Past Life Regressions can be done in an individual or group setting for those who are just curious about their past lives. Past Life Regressions in an individual session can also be the answer to issues you are dealing with in this life, if there is karma that carried over or lessons not yet learned. Either way, these sessions can be very eye opening!

Hypnotherapy – Fast Phobia Cure (~1.5-2 hrs) – This session includes NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) techniques that can help you overcome phobias that may be holding you back. You will learn techniques you can use on your own again if needed later.

Eye Movement Therapy (~1 hr) – Eye Movement Therapy is an amazing technique that can help dissolve intense emotions around a situation, so if you have something that really brings up intense emotions for you that you’d like to be able to take the charge off of, this can be a great option to accomplish that.

Breath work (~1.5-2 hrs) – Breath work can be used to help bring up emotions for those who aren’t as in touch with them. Once the true emotions and beliefs are identified they can be addressed and progress can be made towards a healthier, happier you!

The Physical Journey process (~1.5 hr) – This session uses some fun imagery to help uncover old memories that need to be processed to allow you to get back to normal, healthy mind/body balance, it’s great for people who maybe aren’t sure if they can be hypnotized or are afraid of hypnosis. (it also works well for children)

Connection Practice – Individual Session (3 parts, ~1 hr each) – These sessions will teach you how to become more empathetic with yourself and others and access your heart-brain insight to be more happy, peaceful and productive. (these techniques work great for children to help improve test scores and correct unwanted behaviors)

Connection Practice – Conflict Resolution (~1 hr) – These sessions involve Jenny facilitating the mediation of an issue between 2 or more people using Connection Practice techniques. It can be more effective if each individual has coaching sessions on their own first to learn the skill set so this time can be used focusing on mediating the issue.

Connection Practice Training – (3 parts, ~12 hrs each) – Jenny is available to train the 3 (8 hours one day, 4 hours another) parts of the Connection Practice Foundations Course to employees or small groups. Check the Community Calendar page for when Jenny has arranged to offer the course to the public, or contact her if you’d like her to come do the training for your group or business. Minimum of 8 students required.

Aroma Touch Technique – using essential oils (~.5 hr) – This is an amazing technique that works 8 different essential oils in along the spine (and 2 also on the bottoms of the feet) for all around wellness benefits. Check out the Aroma Touch page for more info.

Natural Weight Loss Solutions Class (~1.5 hrs) – Jenny now teaches free classes on Natural Weight Loss Solutions, including diet and exercise tips as well as the use of essential oils and hypnotherapy if needed.

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