May 262014

OK, that heading might be a little misleading… I’m not offering to bag your groceries or talk about being environmentally friendly when it comes to that choice (I use my reusable cloth shopping bags whenever I can). What I’m really talking about here is the fact that I’m now able to take credit cards as payment for all my products and services, in addition to cash or checks. THAT should make things easier, right!?!
Check out the Products and Services pages for an idea of what I have available for purchase right now (in addition to the obvious hypnotherapy session). More items will be available soon, so keep coming back to check or let me know if you are looking for something specific from me and can’t find it. 🙂
Have a great week!
Jenny Battig, CCHt

 Posted by at 8:19 pm
May 242014

Hey gang, I’ll be teaching part 1 of The Connection Practice Foundations Course coming up on Saturday, May 31st, and Sunday, June 2nd, at Unity of Melbourne.

This really is an amazing hands on class that allows you to learn and practice a set of techniques to enhance your social / emotional intelligence that could truly transform your life in terms of your connection and communication with other people and your own personal growth! Check out the Connection Practice page on this website for more information.
There are still openings available, but seating is limited, so call or email to reserve your spot now! (cost is $225 and includes a book / journal to encourage you to practice the techniques daily)

Keep an eye out for Additional Part 1 courses as well as the Part 2 and Part 3 course offerings soon! If you can’t spend that much time on your weekend but are still interested in the Connection Practice, contact Jenny to schedule individual coaching sessions or small group training.

 Posted by at 3:01 am
May 242014

I truly enjoy teaching the FREE informational classes about incorporating natural, safe and potent essential oils into your lifestyle. I taught another one about weight loss this past week and I have 4 on the calendar to teach at No Worries in June (Essential Oils A to Z parts 1 and 2, Natural Pain Management and another Natural Weight Loss Solutions) and I’ll likely be adding a couple more classes in other locations as an intro to the oils, so check back for updates on those classes to see when you’ll be able to attend one (most are offered in person and online). You really should take advantage of the free information about these amazing oils!

I’m also putting the finishing touches on some FREE informational classes about hypnotherapy, so keep your eyes out for those classes coming your way soon so you can see how powerful hypnotherapy can be for so many different areas of your life!

 Posted by at 2:36 am
Apr 182014

I taught my first Natural Weight Loss Solutions class last night at No Worries Natural Medicine as part of our free wellness class series and it went really well! I got feedback from several attendees that is was a lot of good information!
Look for that class to be offered each month from now on. I also plan to offer it in other venues as well and will probably modify it some to balance out the hypnotherapy content versus focusing more on the oils and the cleanse being offered as a promotional special right now. So stay tuned and I hope to see you at a class soon! 🙂
Contact me if you’d like to discuss hypnotherapy for weight loss or how the oils can help support your weight management goals.

 Posted by at 7:23 pm
Apr 142014

I’m so excited to now be certified to coach (one on one) and train (individuals and businesses) The Connection Practice techniques! The Connection Practice is a skillset that unites your empathy and insight for accelerated personal and professional growth. Empathy is a respectful understanding of another’s experience. These tools can help you make better decisions by tapping more directly into your own inner wisdom and resolving conflicts in respectful, peaceful ways. Everyone could benefit from learning these techniques, which evolved from research by the Institute of HeartMath and the Center for Non-Violent Communication

Call today to find out more about these techniques and schedule your first coaching session to get on your way to amazing personal growth!!

 Posted by at 3:39 am
Mar 242014

Hi all,
There’s a new show on LMN (Lifetime Movie Network) that shows excerpts from Pastlife Regression Hypnotherapy sessions… it’s called: Reincarnated: Past Lives. I think it gives a good basic idea of how a Past Life Regression could go, except the therapist on the show doesn’t appear to do any actual therapy for the clients during the session, it appears to be more focused on gathering information so that the past life can be verified by historical records. A Past Life Regression session with me would also involve addressing the unresolved emotions, beliefs or karma from that life so that they can stop negatively affecting the client in this lifetime. I encourage you to watch the show (click here for a preview) and if you are interested in this yourself, call to schedule a session to find out who else you have been!

 Posted by at 4:20 am
Feb 182014

We are very happy to announce that we’ll be opening up our office in our new location at 325 5th Ave., Suite 205, in the town of Indialantic, Florida… just west of City Tropics and next to Surfside Urgent Care on Wednesday, February 26th! Look for the No Worries Natural Medicine sign and ask for Jenny! 🙂 This location makes it much easier for clients from South Melbourne and the Palm Bay area to get to us. Hope to see you soon!

 Posted by at 8:26 pm