May 242014

I truly enjoy teaching the FREE informational classes about incorporating natural, safe and potent essential oils into your lifestyle. I taught another one about weight loss this past week and I have 4 on the calendar to teach at No Worries in June (Essential Oils A to Z parts 1 and 2, Natural Pain Management and another Natural Weight Loss Solutions) and I’ll likely be adding a couple more classes in other locations as an intro to the oils, so check back for updates on those classes to see when you’ll be able to attend one (most are offered in person and online). You really should take advantage of the free information about these amazing oils!

I’m also putting the finishing touches on some FREE informational classes about hypnotherapy, so keep your eyes out for those classes coming your way soon so you can see how powerful hypnotherapy can be for so many different areas of your life!

 Posted by at 2:36 am