Dec 192014

Hi all,
We now have a Relaxation and Stress Reduction Hypnotic Programming mp3 ready to go! The website isn’t quite set up to handle automatic downloads and payments yet, but if you’re interested, let me know and I’ll send you the link or get you a thumb drive with the files all ready to just plug and play. What an amazing gift of relaxation that keeps on giving for a special holiday price of $5!!
Happy Holidays!

 Posted by at 3:30 am
Dec 052014

We’re working to prepare a few general hypnotic programming recordings (Stress Relief, Pain Management, Stop Smoking) for you to be able to gift to friends, family, co-workers, or even treat yourself during this holiday season! Check back soon to see when they’ll be available.

Gift Certificates are also a great gift idea, and allow you to take advantage of the current pricing specials before they go up next year! Contact Jenny to arrange for getting your gift certificates!

In the meantime, I’m running a special during December for a 1-hr custom stress reduction programming session for $40 (60% off) so you can quickly come in, get a custom recording to take home and listen to over the holidays to stay relaxed and enjoy the season! Call today or book online (as the Personalized Programming Session option).

The Natural Wellness Make n Take class on December 11 is also a great option for easy, thoughtful and inexpensive gifts. Check out the Community Calendar for more info.

Happy Holidays!

 Posted by at 5:59 am
Dec 042014

Happy holidays everyone!
Since we’re all a bit busy around the holidays the class schedule is light this month, but they are AMAZING INTERACTIVE classes that I know will be worth taking a little time out for yourself!

The Make n Take class is a great way to get some new ideas and even accomplish some natural and healthy last minute gifts for friends, family or co-workers.

The AromaYoga class is an amazingly relaxing and spiritual experience, great for beginners to yoga experts!

Hope to see you there! Please RSVP to if you plan to come so we’re sure to have enough space and materials prepared.

EPIC Class Schedule for December 2014

 Posted by at 8:50 pm
Oct 282014

Hi gang,
Here’s the list of classes, times and locations for November! We really hope you can attend some of these informational sessions so you can learn to keep yourself and your family happy and healthy throughout the holidays and beyond! You can also check out the Community Calendar to see when and where the upcoming classes
EPIC Class Schedule for November 2014

 Posted by at 9:42 pm
Oct 202014

We’re so excited to start to offer a regular schedule of classes on natural wellness! With the holidays coming up the rest of this year’s schedule will be a bit choppy, but starting in the new year we hope to have at least 1 class per week available, so spread the word and keep an eye out for the new class schedule each month.

Classes will include essential oils education, hypnotherapy / meditation, and connection practice summary / intro. Most of these classes will have free give aways and drawings for additional free services so bring a friend and learn how to take more control of your own overall wellness in natural, safe, effective ways!

We look forward to seeing you at the classes (and bring a friend)!


 Posted by at 5:24 am
Sep 082014

Had a great day at the Brevard Women’s Expo on Saturday. It was so nice to meet so many local women and talk to them about a variety of issues for them or their families that can be helped through hypnotherapy (and tapping in to the power of their own minds)! I hope to see many of you for sessions soon so we can get you on the road to being healthier and more in control of your happiness!
I’ll be notifying the winners of the drawing for a free hypnotherapy session this week and contacting those of you who signed up for a free natural health presentation for your organization within the next week or two.


 Posted by at 3:47 am
Aug 282014

Hi all,
Here are some of the discounts I’m currently offering for private hypnotherapy sessions in 2014:

* Single session discount – 1/3 off the regular price of $150 (so $100)
* 3-session package discount – 40% off the regular price (so $270 or $90/session)
* Monthly package discount – up to 4 sessions in a 30-day period for $300 (50% off each session if you get 4 sessions in that month)
* Single Past Life Regression session – 25% off the regular price of $200 (so $150)

I can also offer discounts for referrals and if you are really interested and ready to start using hypnotherapy to overcome your challenges but don’t think you can afford it, please call me to see if we can work out other ways you can work the price down to something you can afford. 🙂

The main reason for higher discounts on package deals is because although some people feel great after their first hypnotherapy session, that typically isn’t the more permanent fix to their underlying issues, and it’s much more effective to do at least 3-5 sessions. I would much rather help someone completely resolve an issue that was causing them challenges than to just make them feel good for a few weeks or months and then have another issue pop up or think it didn’t really work. My ultimate goal is to help enlighten and empower people about how they can achieve greater health and happiness using their own resources, and I know hypnotherapy is an amazingly powerful way to do that! If you are really invested in it it’s worth every penny, but I don’t want that to deprive those who financially don’t have the means at this point in time.

 Posted by at 10:36 pm
Aug 192014

I’m happy to report that we had a very successful Foundations Part 1 Connection Practice Course for 3 teachers and 1 administrator from Diamond Community School last week. They all got a lot out of the training and are very excited to have their students start to learn and apply the techniques they learned that will help improve their social/emotional intelligence!! It truly is a powerful experience to go through a course or have one-on-one coaching to get familiar with the skill set. There are two Foundations Part 1 Courses coming up, one scheduled for August 23-24, the other for September 27-28. Register now by emailing

 Posted by at 3:45 am