Aug 092014

Jenny is very excited to be part of the team bringing the Connection Practice in to a local school to be part of their daily curriculum! This is one of the first pilot programs for a school in the US and it’s right here in Brevard County at Diamond Community School in Palm Bay… how awesome are we to be on the forefront of this movement to teach kids the skills to improve their social-emotional intelligence, communicate better and even perform better?!?
This week Jenny will be training the teachers of that school in the Connection Practice techniques so that they can help their students make it a new habit throughout the school year. We look forward to capturing the data about how these techniques are improving the students lives, relationships, test scores, etc! Stay tuned!
If you are interested in learning these techniques for yourself and/or your children, check out the calendar for upcoming course offerings (currently scheduled for 8/23-24 and 9/27-28) or contact Jenny to schedule a few individual coaching sessions. 321-345-8971

Aug 012014

It’s official! Hypnotherapy by Jenny is now operating within the Souler Float office at 1694 (Suite A) on West Hibiscus Blvd, behind the Melbourne mall. We’re excited about being able to offer these complimentary services under one roof! Check out their website for more information on floating.
This change also allows me to expand my available hours for appointments to be 7 days a week, preferrably between the hours of 9am and 7pm. The standard services that can be booked now include:
Eye Movement Therapy (~30 minutes)
Aroma Touch Technique (~30 minutes)
Connection Practice Coaching (1 hr)
Connection Practice Mediation (~1.5 hr)
Private Hypnotherapy Sessions (~2 hrs)
Private Hypnotherapy Past Life Regression (~3 hrs)

…and there will be options to add hypnotic programming to floating sessions booked through the Souler Float website.

I also want to take this opportunity to thank Marcela Bowie, DOM, owner of No Worries Natural Medicine for supporting me as I started this adventure into private practice and allowing me to be part of the services in her office. Her flexibility, encouragement and advice have been much appreciated. 🙂

I’m ready now for the next chapter and look forward to being able to help even more people reach their naturally healthy mind / body balance!

 Posted by at 4:53 am
Jul 182014

It’s not set in stone yet, but looking highly likely that we’ll be moving at the end of this month to join the Souler Float office on West Hibiscus, behind the Melbourne Mall. Check out their website for more information on floating and how therapeutic it can be. We believe floating and hypnotherapy go together naturally and will make the experience even better for our clients. We will also be offering free classes on meditation, hypnotherapy, essential oils, and other natural mind/body balance options. Lots of exciting opportunities to enhance our service offerings together. We’re all very excited! 🙂

 Posted by at 8:59 pm
Jul 122014

There is another amazing local opportunity for educators, counselors, parents and professionals to participate in The Connection Practice Foundations Course! This 4-day course is truly a transformational experience, helping participants increase their social / emotional intelligence and learn to quickly and easily access their empathy and insight to accelerate their personal and professional growth! The next course offering is July 23-26 from 9am-5pm each day. Check out this page for more information or email or call Jenny (321-345-8971) to register or set up a time for a quick demo for your organization. If this course schedule won’t work for you, there will be more courses offered in the future so check back often or contact Jenny to be sure you are notified as courses are scheduled.

 Posted by at 7:07 pm
Jun 302014

Hi everyone, I’m excited to announce that things are progressing nicely towards a second location for Hypnotherapy by Jenny in early 2015! It is sounding more and more likely that I’ll be able to start seeing clients in what is now Everest University on US1, just south of Lake Washington in Melbourne. That should be much more convenient for people in North Melbourne, Suntree and Viera. This will also make it possible for me to accommodate group sessions for things like stop smoking, weight loss, stress reduction and past life regression (which is a way to get some of the benefits of hypnotherapy at a lower cost per person)
The university is consolidating to a different campus (on Sarno I believe) and moving in to take it’s place will be Unity of Melbourne, a local New Thought church, as well as a holistic wellness center, which I will most likely be part of. I’m planning to still keep a couple days a week at the current location in Indialantic on 5th Ave, but very excited to expand and offer more locations to be more convenient for local folks!
Also keep in mind, some hypnotherapy sessions can be done over Skype, so even if you aren’t in the immediate area, we can at least get started on your path to a better life across the miles! 🙂
Stay tuned for more updates!!

 Posted by at 11:15 pm
Jun 222014

We just wanted to let you know that we’re working on getting some of the original classes Jenny has developed that cover a wide range of natural wellness options recorded so they’ll be available online. As they are finished they will be available under the Services tab on this website for you to view at your leisure. Check back often to see what new free training is available and of course, contact us (via email, phone, or our Facebook page) if you have any specific questions not covered in the training. We hope this will make it easier for you to get the information you are looking for (and share with friends and family) in regards to natural wellness options!

 Posted by at 2:33 am
Jun 142014

Hi all,
This coming week I’ll be teaching a free A to Z essential oils class on Tuesday at 6:30. Email me to get info on the location or online options for attending, then a free Natural Health Solutions class at Unity of Melbourne on Wednesday night at 6:30, which will include essential oils info as well as other natural health solutions. Then last, but not least, I’m hosting an It Works wrap party at my house on Friday night at 6:30. Again, please RSVP to the email above to let me know if you are planning to come and so I can send you the location information. Hope to see some of you at these classes this week!

 Posted by at 5:33 am
Jun 082014

This is the time of year when many people are graduating from one stage of life to the next… whether it’s graduating from kindergarten… high school… college… or even a non-traditional graduation from the old to a new you, we salute you and wish you well in the years to come! Keep in mind that life is full of change, so always stay open to what life has to teach you. 🙂

 Posted by at 8:28 pm
Jun 062014

Hi all, I’m excited to now be set up to offer FREE Natural Wellness classes (based on essential oils, hypnotherapy, and related topics) in the Wickham / Eau Gallie area of town! So far I’ve got two classes scheduled at Unity of Melbourne on 1745 Trimble Road (turn west off of Wickham just north of the Aldi store, south of the Chevron gas station). These classes will be updated in the Community Calendar page on this website, so check back often for new updates, but for now, we have a basic intro / overall Natural Wellness class scheduled at Unity on Wednesday, June 18th, starting at 6:30, as well as a class about natural ways to deal with Stress and Anxiety on Wednesday, July 9th, also starting at 6:30. These classes will begin with a brief meditation and aim to last approximately an hour with time after for more specific questions. Hope to see you there!!

 Posted by at 5:53 pm
Jun 012014

Click the link below for the list of classes for June offered at No Worries Natural Medicine (325 5th Ave, Suite 205, Indialantic) or virtually via gotomeeting. I may be setting up some other classes in other locations around the Melbourne area for June, so check back for more info on those or contact me if you’re interested. Hope to see you there!

EO Classes June 2014

 Posted by at 3:13 am