Don’t forget, there’s another FREE Hypnotic Happy Hour with light refreshments, some great info about the power of the subconscious mind, and a mini-group hypnosis session Thursday night, 4/30 at the Hypnotherapy by Jenny office at 1694 W Hibiscus Blvd, Suite A, in Melbourne. Refreshments start at 5:30, the program starts around 6. Hope to see you there, please RSVP by calling 321-345-8971 or emailing so we have enough seating. If you can’t make it to this one, keep checking the Community Calendar on this website for when the next one will be.
I’d like to thank Britt Allen for inviting me to be a guest on her radio show this week. Check out the archived recording here…
Sorry for the delayed posting… we’re now incorporating a wider variety of events on the monthly schedule. A new monthly recurring event will be Hypnotic Happy Hours for people who are curious about hypnotherapy and would like more information and a quick demo before deciding if it’s something they want to pursue. We’re looking forward to sharing more information with people to help them make the best decisions for natural ways to improve their health and happiness! Check back each month to see our schedule of information sessions and other related events!

Happy Holidays to one and all. I sincerely wish each of you the best of health and happiness as we bring 2014 to a close and prepare to start 2015. I encourage you to dream big, stay positive, and believe in yourself. You CAN achieve your goals and dreams if you get clear on what you want, believe in yourself, trust your insight, and take action to make things happen. If you struggle to do any of that on your own, I’d love to help you get clear, access your inner truth, build your belief in yourself and remove any blocks to taking that action! 2015 is going to be an amazing year!!
In peace and gratitude!
Happy holidays everyone!
Since we’re all a bit busy around the holidays the class schedule is light this month, but they are AMAZING INTERACTIVE classes that I know will be worth taking a little time out for yourself!
The Make n Take class is a great way to get some new ideas and even accomplish some natural and healthy last minute gifts for friends, family or co-workers.
The AromaYoga class is an amazingly relaxing and spiritual experience, great for beginners to yoga experts!
Hope to see you there! Please RSVP to if you plan to come so we’re sure to have enough space and materials prepared.
Hi gang,
Here’s the list of classes, times and locations for November! We really hope you can attend some of these informational sessions so you can learn to keep yourself and your family happy and healthy throughout the holidays and beyond! You can also check out the Community Calendar to see when and where the upcoming classes
EPIC Class Schedule for November 2014
We’re so excited to start to offer a regular schedule of classes on natural wellness! With the holidays coming up the rest of this year’s schedule will be a bit choppy, but starting in the new year we hope to have at least 1 class per week available, so spread the word and keep an eye out for the new class schedule each month.
Classes will include essential oils education, hypnotherapy / meditation, and connection practice summary / intro. Most of these classes will have free give aways and drawings for additional free services so bring a friend and learn how to take more control of your own overall wellness in natural, safe, effective ways!
We look forward to seeing you at the classes (and bring a friend)!
Had a great day at the Brevard Women’s Expo on Saturday. It was so nice to meet so many local women and talk to them about a variety of issues for them or their families that can be helped through hypnotherapy (and tapping in to the power of their own minds)! I hope to see many of you for sessions soon so we can get you on the road to being healthier and more in control of your happiness!
I’ll be notifying the winners of the drawing for a free hypnotherapy session this week and contacting those of you who signed up for a free natural health presentation for your organization within the next week or two.
Wow! I just heard about this movie coming out later this year… check out the trailer!
Should be very interesting and reinforce what hypnotherapy and the Connection Practice can help us tap into!